Revel 2.70 API Updates

Welcome to the 2.70 Revel API changelog!

In Revel 2.70 we've made important updates to our Weborders resources. We've also added new custom order options for to allow better segmentation and reporting for different ordering channels.

Please review the changes below in order to test and update your integration accordingly.

You can learn more about the general 2.70 release here.

Added Resources

  • The CustomOrderOption resource has been added for querying default and custom order options.  It contains the following fields:

    • active
    • created_by
    • created_date
    • dining_option_id
    • kds_color
    • name
    • print_customer_address_on_receipts
    • prompt_for_seat_guest_count
    • resource_uri
    • updated_by
    • updated_date
    • use_is_cold_taxation_rules
  • Values for dining_option_id (customer order options) begin at 100. Once a custom order option has been configured in the management console, it may be queried and the resulting ID used throughout the API.

Modified Resources

  • We've added an is_tax_exempt field to the Weborders API which accepts Boolean values and is used to mark an order as tax-exempt rather than removing tax manually on the POS.

  • We've updated the Modifier resource to support 3 new values in the qty_type field in order to support split modifiers (used for split pizzas, for example). (Note: This requires split modifiers to be enabled in the management console. For information on setup, visit our Support Knowledge Base.)

    • "qty_type":0 (used for whole modifiers)
    • "qty_type":1 (applies the first half modifier)
    • "qty_type":2 (applies the second half modifier)

New Functionality

  • We've added support for product and modifier price override when using the the /specialresources/cart/submit resource. This allows third parties to send orders via the Weborders API with products and modifiers priced differently than what's listed in Revel. A few notes:

    • This functionality is especially useful for those who manage different menus for third party ordering channels that may have increased prices, for example, than what is standard on the POS.
    • Negative product prices will not be accepted, but negative modifier prices will be accepted.
    • A $0 product price will be accepted if the Revel menu price for that product is in fact $0.
    • Using this new functionality requires the Weborder API Price Override setting to be enabled in the management console. Please contact our Support team for assistance enabling this setting.

Planned Deprecation

  • We're continuing deprecation of the OrderAllInOne resource. This resources is no longer available for new third-party integrations. If you are still using it, please reach out to [email protected] for information on more suitable alternatives.