JUMP TOCash ManagementOverviewBankDropReturns the list of BankDrop objectsgetAdd a new BankDroppostFind BankDrop by IDgetReplaces a BankDrop objectputUpdates details of an BankDrop objectpatchCashOfficeReturns the list of CashOffice objectsgetAdd a new CashOfficepostFind CashOffice by IDgetUpdate an existing CashOfficeputUpdate an existing CashOfficepatchPayoutReturns the list of Payout objectsgetAdd a new PayoutpostFind Payout by IDgetUpdate an existing PayoutputUpdate an existing PayoutpatchTillReturns the list of Till objectsgetAdd a new TillpostFind Till by IDgetReplaces a Till objectputUpdates details of an Till objectpatchCustomersOverviewCustomerReturns the list of Customer objectsgetAdd a new CustomerpostFind Customer by IDgetUpdate Customer by IDpatchOverwrite an existing CustomerputDelete an existing CustomerdeleteCustomerAddressReturns the list of CustomerAddress objectsgetAdd a new CustomerAddresspostFind CustomerAddress by IDgetUpdate CustomerAddress by IDpatchOverwrite an existing CustomerAddressputCustomerEstablishmentReturns the list of CustomerEstablishment objectsgetAdd a new CustomerEstablishmentpostFind CustomerEstablishment by IDgetUpdate CustomerEstablishment by IDpatchOverwrite an existing CustomerEstablishmentputCustomerGroupReturn the list of CustomerGroup objects.getAdd a new CustomerGrouppostFind CustomerGroup by IDgetUpdates a CustomerGroup objectputUpdates details of an CustomerGroup objectpatchCustomerGroupCustomersReturn the list of CustomerGroupCustomers objects.getAdd a new CustomerGroupCustomerspostFind CustomerGroupCustomers by IDgetUpdates a CustomerGroupCustomers objectputUpdates details of an CustomerGroupCustomers objectpatchCustomerHistoryReturn the list of CustomerHistory objects.getDiscountsOverviewDiscountReturns the list of Discount objectsgetAdd a new DiscountpostReturns a single Discount objectgetUpdates a Discount objectputUpdates details of a Discount objectpatchDiscountCodeReturns the list of DiscountCode objectsgetAdd a new DiscountCodepostReturns a single DiscountCode objectgetUpdates a DiscountCode objectputUpdates details of a DiscountCode objectpatchDiscountLevelReturns the list of DiscountLevel objectsgetReturns a single DiscountLevel objectgetEmployeesOverviewDeclaredTipsReturns the list of DeclaredTips objectsgetAdd a new DeclaredTipspostReturns a single DeclaredTips objectgetUpdates a DeclaredTips objectputUpdates details of a DeclaredTips objectpatchDepartmentReturns the list of department objectsgetAdd a new Department for the EmployeespostFind Department by IDgetEmployeeReturns the list of employee objectsgetAdd a new EmployeepostFind Employee by IDgetUpdate Employee by IDpatchOverwrite an existing EmployeeputEmployeeRoleEstablishmentReturns the list of employeeroleestablishment objectsgetAdd a new EmployeeRoleEstablishmentpostFind EmployeeRoleEstablishment by IDgetUpdate EmployeeRoleEstablishment by IDpatchOverwrite an existing EmployeeRoleEstablishmentputPermissionReturns the list of Permission objectsgetReturns a single Permission objectgetRoleReturns the list of role objectsgetFind Role by IDgetGeneralOverviewAddressReturns the list of Address objectsgetAdd a new AddresspostFind Address by IDgetReplaces a Address objectputUpdates details of an Address objectpatchBusinessActionLogReturns the list of BusinessActionLog objectsgetFind BusinessActionLog by IDgetReplaces a BusinessActionLog objectputBusinessDayReturns the list of BusinessDay objectsgetAdd a new BusinessDaypostFind BusinessDay by IDgetReplaces a BusinessDay objectputUpdates details of an BusinessDay objectpatchCompanyReturns the list of Company objectsgetFind Company by IDgetCurrencyReturns the list of Currency objectsgetAdd a new CurrencypostFind Currency by IDgetReplaces a Currency objectputUpdates details of an Currency objectpatchDeviceReturns the list of Device objectsgetFind Device by IDgetEstablishmentReturns the list of Establishment objectsgetFind Establishment by IDgetReplaces a Establishment objectputUpdates details of an Establishment objectpatchPosStationReturns the list of PosStation objectsgetFind PosStation by IDgetRevenueCenterReturns the list of RevenueCenter objectsgetAdd a new RevenueCenterpostFind RevenueCenter by IDgetUpdate an existing RevenueCenterputUpdate an existing RevenueCenterpatchSystemSettingReturns the list of SystemSetting objectsgetFind SystemSetting by IDgetSystemSettingOptionReturns the list of SystemSettingOption objectsgetFind SystemSettingOption by IDgetTimetableReturns the list of Timetable objectsgetAdd a new TimetablepostFind Timetable by IDgetUpdate an existing TimetableputTimetableItemReturns the list of TimetableItem objectsgetAdd a new TimetableItempostFind TimetableItem by IDgetUpdate an existing TimetableItemputUpdate an existing TimetableItempatchUserReturns the list of User objectsgetFind User by IDgetHouse AccountsOverviewHouseAccountReturns the list of HouseAccount objectsgetFind HouseAccount by IDgetUpdate an existing HouseAccountputUpdate an existing HouseAccountpatchHouseAccountPaymentReturns the list of HouseAccountPayment objectsgetFind HouseAccountPayment by IDgetUpdate an existing HouseAccountPaymentputUpdate an existing HouseAccountPaymentpatchHouseAccountTransactionReturns the list of HouseAccountTransaction objectsgetFind HouseAccountTransaction by IDgetInventoryOverviewCurrentStockReturns the list of CurrentStock objectsgetIngredientInventoryReturns the list of IngredientInventory objectsgetFind IngredientInventory by IDgetUpdates details of an IngredientInventory objectpatchInventoryReturns the list of Inventory objectsgetFind Inventory by IDgetUpdates details of an Inventory objectpatchInventoryReceiptReturns the list of InventoryReceipt objectsgetAdd a new InventoryReceiptpostFind InventoryReceipt by IDgetReplaces a InventoryReceipt objectputUpdates details of an InventoryReceipt objectpatchInventoryUnitReturns the list of InventoryUnit objectsgetAdd a new InventoryUnitpostFind InventoryUnit by IDgetUpdates details of an InventoryUnit objectpatchInventoryXProductReturns the list of Product's Inventory objectsgetReturns a single Product's Inventory objectgetRecieve into Products's InventorypostInventoryXIngredientReturns the list of Ingredient's Inventory objectsgetReturns a single Ingredient's Inventory objectgetRecieve into Ingredient's InventorypostPhysicalInventoryReturns the list of PhysicalInventory objectsgetFind PhysicalInventory by IDgetPhysicalInventoryItemReturns the list of PhysicalInventoryItem objectsgetFind PhysicalInventoryItem by IDgetPhysicalInventoryScannedItemReturns the list of PhysicalInventoryScannedItem objectsgetAdd a new PhysicalInventoryScannedItempostFind PhysicalInventoryScannedItem by IDgetPhysicalInventorySectionReturns the list of PhysicalInventorySection objectsgetFind PhysicalInventorySection by IDgetReplaces a PhysicalInventorySection objectputStocktakeReturns the list of Stocktake objectsgetFind Stocktake by IDgetStocktakeItemReturns the list of StocktakeItem objectsgetFind StocktakeItem by IDgetStocktakeScannedItemReturns the list of StocktakeScannedItem objectsgetAdd a new StocktakeScannedItempostReturns a single StocktakeScannedItem objectgetUpdates details of an StocktakeScannedItem objectpatchStocktakeSectionReturns the list of StocktakeSection objectsgetReturns a single StocktakeSection objectgetReplaces a StocktakeSection objectputUpdates details of an StocktakeSection objectpatchTransferReturns a list of Transfer objectsgetReturns a list of Transfer objectsgetTransferItemReturns the list of TransferItem objectsgetFind TransferItem by IDgetTransferReceiptReturns the list of TransferReceipt objectsgetFind TransferReceipt by IDgetTransferReceiptItemReturns the list of TransferReceiptItem objectsgetFind TransferReceiptItem by IDgetOrdersOverviewAppliedServiceFeeReturn the list of AppliedServiceFee objects.getAdd a new AppliedServiceFeepostReturns a single AppliedServiceFee objectgetUpdates a AppliedServiceFee objectputUpdates details of an AppliedServiceFee objectpatchAppliedTaxOrderReturns the list of AppliedTaxOrder objectsgetAdd a new AppliedTaxOrderpostReturns a single AppliedTaxOrder objectgetUpdates a AppliedTaxOrder objectputUpdates details of a AppliedTaxOrder objectpatchAppliedTaxOrderItemReturns the list of AppliedTaxOrderItem objectsgetAdd a new AppliedTaxOrderItempostReturns a single AppliedTaxOrderItem objectgetUpdates a AppliedTaxOrderItem objectputUpdates details of a AppliedTaxOrderItem objectpatchCustomPaymentTypeReturns the list of CustomPaymentType objectsgetReturns a single CustomPaymentType objectgetCustomOrderOptionReturns the list of CustomOrderOption objectsgetModifierItemReturn the list of ModifierItem objects.getAdd a new ModifierItempostReturns a single ModifierItem objectgetUpdates a ModifierItem objectputUpdates details of an ModifierItem objectpatchOrderReturns the list of Order objectsgetAdd a new OrderpostFind Order by IDgetUpdate Order by IDpatchUpdate an existing OrderputOrderDataDiffReturns the list of OrderDataDiff objectsgetReturns a single OrderDataDiff objectgetOrderExchangeReturns the list of OrderExchange objectsgetAdd a new OrderExchangepostFind OrderExchange by IDgetUpdate OrderExchange by IDpatchUpdate an existing OrderExchangeputOrderExchangeItemReturns the list of OrderExchangeItem objectsgetAdds new OrderExchangeItem objectpostReturns a single OrderExchangeItem objectgetUpdates a OrderExchangeItem objectputUpdates details of a OrderExchangeItem objectpatchOrderHistoryReturns the list of OrderHistory objectsgetAdd a new OrderHistorypostFind OrderHistory by IDgetUpdate OrderHistory by IDpatchUpdate an existing OrderHistoryputOrderItemReturns the list of OrderItem objectsgetAdds new OrderItem objectpostReturns a single OrderItem objectgetUpdates an OrderItem objectputUpdates details of an OrderItem objectpatchOrderItemCateringReturns the list of OrderItemCatering objectsgetReturns a single OrderItemCatering objectgetOrderItemCommissionReturns the list of OrderItemCommission objectsgetAdd a new OrderItemCommissionpostReturns a single OrderItemCommission objectgetUpdates a OrderItemCommission objectputUpdates details of a OrderItemCommission objectpatchOrderItemDataDiffReturns the list of OrderItemDataDiff objectsgetFind OrderItemDataDiff by IDgetOrderTaxBreakDownReturns the list of OrderTaxBreakDown objectsgetFind OrderTaxBreakDown by IDgetPackageReturns the list of Package objectsgetAdd a new PackagepostFind Package by IDgetOverwrite an existing PackageputUpdate Package by IDpatchPaymentReturns the list of Payment objectsgetAdds new Payment objectpostReturns a single Payment objectgetUpdates a Payment objectputUpdates details of a Payment objectpatchPaymentTypeReturn the list of PaymentType objects.getAdd a new PaymentTypepostFind PaymentType by IDgetUpdates a PaymentType objectputUpdates details of an PaymentType objectpatchReturnReturns the list of Return objectsgetAdd a new ReturnpostFind Return by IDgetUpdate Return by IDpatchOverwrite an existing ReturnputReturnedItemReturns the list of ReturnedItem objectsgetAdd a new ReturnedItempostFind ReturnedItem by IDgetUpdate ReturnedItem by IDpatchOverwrite an existing ReturnedItemputProductsOverviewAttributeReturn the list of Attribute objects.getAdd a new AttributepostFind Attribute by IDgetUpdates a Attribute objectputUpdates details of an Attribute objectpatchAttributeValueReturn the list of AttributeValue objects.getAdd a new AttributeValuepostFind AttributeValue by IDgetUpdates a AttributeValue objectputUpdates details of an AttributeValue objectpatchComboProductSetReturns the list of ComboProductSet objectsgetFind ComboProductSet by IDgetComboProductSetProductReturns the list of ComboProductSetProduct objectsgetFind ComboProductSetProduct by IDgetCustomMenuReturns the list of CustomMenu objectsgetFind CustomMenu by IDgetDynamicComboReturns the list of DynamicCombo objectsgetFind DynamicCombo by IDgetDynamicComboUpsellSlotReturn the list of DynamicComboUpsellSlot objects.getFind DynamicComboUpsellSlot by IDgetIngredientReturns the list of Ingredient objectsgetAdd a new IngredientpostFind Ingredient by IDgetUpdate Ingredient by IDpatchOverwrite an existing IngredientputIngredientRecipeReturns the list of IngredientRecipe objectsgetAdd a new IngredientRecipepostFind IngredientRecipe by IDgetUpdate IngredientRecipe by IDpatchOverwrite an existing IngredientRecipeputModifierReturns the list of Modifier objectsgetAdd a new ModifierpostFind Modifier by IDgetUpdate Modifier by IDpatchOverwrite an existing ModifierputModifierClassReturn the list of ModifierClass objects.getAdd a new ModifierClasspostReturns a single ModifierClass objects.getUpdates a ModifierClass objectputUpdates details of an ModifierClass objectpatchModifierDiscountReturn the list of ModifierDiscount objects.getAdd a new ModifierDiscountpostReturns a single ModifierDiscount objectgetUpdates a ModifierDiscount objectputUpdates details of an ModifierDiscount objectpatchModifierRecipeReturns the list of ModifierRecipe objectsgetAdd a new ModifierRecipepostFind ModifierRecipe by IDgetUpdate ModifierRecipe by IDpatchOverwrite an existing ModifierRecipeputPriceTierReturns the list of PriceTier objectsgetFind PriceTier by IDgetProductReturns the list of Product objectsgetAdds new Product objectpostReturns a single Product objectgetUpdates a Product objectputUpdates details of a Product objectpatchProductCategoryReturns the list of ProductCategory objectsgetAdd a new ProductCategorypostFind ProductCategory by IDgetUpdate ProductCategory by IDpatchUpdate an existing ProductCategoryputProductClassReturns the list of ProductClass objectsgetAdds new ProductClass objectpostReturns a single ProductClass objectgetUpdates a ProductClass objectputUpdates details of a ProductClass objectpatchProductGroupReturns the list of ProductGroup objectsgetAdds new ProductGroup objectpostReturns a single ProductGroup objectgetUpdates a ProductGroup objectputUpdates details of a ProductGroup objectpatchProductGroupActionReturns the list of ProductGroupAction objectsgetAdds new ProductGroupAction objectpostReturns a single ProductGroupAction objectgetProductModifierReturn the list of ProductModifier objects.getAdd a new ProductModifierpostReturns a single ProductModifier objectgetUpdates a ProductModifier objectputUpdates details of an ProductModifier objectpatchProductModifierClassReturn the list of ProductModifierClass objects.getAdd a new ProductModifierClasspostReturns a single ProductModifierClass objectgetUpdates a ProductModifierClass objectputUpdates details of an ProductModifierClass objectpatchProductPriceLifeCycleActionReturns the list of ProductPriceLifeCycleAction objectsgetAdd a new ProductPriceLifeCycleActionpostFind ProductPriceLifeCycleAction by IDgetUpdate ProductPriceLifeCycleAction by IDpatchOverwrite an existing ProductPriceLifeCycleActionputProductPriceTierPriceReturns the list of ProductPriceTierPrice objectsgetFind ProductPriceTierPrice by IDgetProductRecipeReturns the list of ProductRecipe objectsgetAdd a new ProductRecipepostFind ProductRecipe by IDgetUpdate ProductRecipe by IDpatchOverwrite an existing ProductRecipeputProductSerialReturn the list of ProductSerial objects.getFind ProductSerial by IDgetProductVariablePriceReturn the list of ProductVariablePrice objects.getAdd a new ProductVariablePricepostReturns a single ProductVariablePrice objects.getUpdates a ProductVariablePrice objectputUpdates details of an ProductVariablePrice objectpatchServiceFeeReturn the list of ServiceFee objects.getAdd a new ServiceFeepostReturns a single ServiceFee objectgetUpdates a ServiceFee objectputUpdates details of an ServiceFee objectpatchSurchargeReturns the list of Surcharge objectsgetAdd a new SurchargepostFind Surcharge by IDgetUpdate Surcharge by IDpatchOverwrite an existing SurchargeputUnitTypeReturns the list of UnitType objectsgetAdd a new UnitTypepostFind UnitType by IDgetUpdate UnitType by IDpatchOverwrite an existing UnitTypeputPurchase OrdersOverviewIngredientPurchaseReturns the list of IngredientPurchase objectsgetFind IngredientPurchase by IDgetProductPurchaseReturns the list of ProductPurchase objectsgetReturns a single ProductPurchase objectgetProductPurchaseOrderItemReturns the list of ProductPurchaseOrderItem objectsgetReturns a single ProductPurchaseOrderItem objectgetUpdates a ProductPurchaseOrderItem objectputUpdates details of a ProductPurchaseOrderItem objectpatchPurchaseLedgerReturns the list of PurchaseLedger objectsgetCreate a PurchaseLedger objectpostReturns a single PurchaseLedger objectgetUpdates a PurchaseLedger objectputPartial update of a ProductLedger's detailspatchPurchaseOrderReturns the list of PurchaseOrder objectsgetAdd a new PurchaseOrderpostFind PurchaseOrder by IDgetReplaces a PurchaseOrder objectputUpdates details of an PurchaseOrder objectpatchPurchaseOrderInvoiceReturns the list of PurchaseOrderInvoice objectsgetAdd a new PurchaseOrderInvoicepostFind PurchaseOrderInvoice by IDgetReplaces a PurchaseOrderInvoice objectputUpdates details of an PurchaseOrderInvoice objectpatchPurchaseOrderItemReturns the list of PurchaseOrderItem objectsgetAdd a new PurchaseOrderItempostFind PurchaseOrderItem by IDgetReplaces a PurchaseOrderItem objectputUpdates details of an PurchaseOrderItem objectpatchVendorReturns the list of Vendor objectsgetAdd a new VendorpostFind Vendor by IDgetUpdate an existing VendorputUpdate an existing VendorpatchVendorEstablishmentReturns the list of VendorEstablishment objectsgetAdd a new VendorEstablishmentpostFind VendorEstablishment by IDgetReplaces a VendorEstablishment objectputUpdates details of an VendorEstablishment objectpatchVendorOrderableItemReturns the list of VendorOrderableItem objectsgetAdd a new VendorOrderableItempostFind VendorOrderableItem by IDgetUpdates details of an VendorOrderableItem objectpatchViewPurchaseOrderReturns a read-only list PurchaseOrder objectsgetView PurchaseOrder by IDgetViewPurchaseOrderProductReturns the list of ViewPurchaseOrderProduct objectsgetReturns a single ViewPurchaseOrderProduct objectgetSchedulingOverviewTimeScheduleReturns the list of TimeSchedule objectsgetAdd a new TimeSchedulepostFind TimeSchedule by IDgetUpdate an existing TimeScheduleputUpdate an existing TimeSchedulepatchDelete an existing TimeScheduledeleteTimeScheduleRuleReturns the list of TimeScheduleRule objectsgetFind TimeScheduleRule by IDgetTimeSheetEntryReturns the list of TimeSheetEntry objectsgetAdd a new TimeSheetEntrypostFind TimeSheetEntry by IDgetUpdate an existing TimeSheetEntryputUpdate an existing TimeSheetEntrypatchTablesOverviewTableReturns the list of Table objectsgetFind Table by IDgetReplaces a Table objectputTableSectionReturn the list of TableSection objects.getAdd a new TableSectionpostFind TableSection by IDgetUpdates a TableSection objectputUpdates details of an TableSection objectpatchTableTagReturn the list of TableTag objects.getAdd a new TableTagpostFind TableTag by IDgetUpdates a TableTag objectputUpdates details of an TableTag objectpatchTaxOverviewTaxReturns the list of Tax objectsgetAdd a new TaxpostFind Tax by IDgetReplaces a Tax objectputUpdates details of an Tax objectpatchTaxAgencyReturns the list of TaxAgency objectsgetAdd a new TaxAgencypostFind TaxAgency by IDgetReplaces a TaxAgency objectputUpdates details of an TaxAgency objectpatchTaxCodeReturns the list of TaxCode objectsgetAdd a new TaxCodepostFind TaxCode by IDgetUpdate an existing TaxCodeputUpdate an existing TaxCodepatchTaxProductGroupReturns the list of TaxProductGroup objectsgetFind TaxProductGroup by IDgetTaxRateReturns the list of TaxRate objectsgetAdd a new TaxRatepostFind TaxRate by IDgetReplaces a TaxRate objectputUpdates details of an TaxRate objectpatchTaxTableReturns the list of TaxTable objectsgetAdd a new TaxTablepostFind TaxTable by IDgetWebordersOverviewCalculateCartCalculates Cart TotalspostValidateCartValidates Cart and returns Cart objectpostSubmitCartSubmits Cart and returns orderpostModifiersReturns a list of WebordersModifierClass objectsgetMenuReturns an entire menugetProductCategoriesReturns the list of product categoriesgetProductsReturn a list of productsgetAttributesReturns a list of attributes and child products of the parent productgetProductUpchargeReturns info about linked combos attached to productgetProductSetsReturns info about group combos attached to productgetSystemSettingsReturns a list of SystemSettingsgetMore ResourcesInventory XReportingOverviewUpdate ModifierRecipe by IDpatch https://api-sandbox-revel.revelup.com/resources/ModifierRecipe/{ModifierRecipeId}/Updates a single ModifierRecipe object