Data model: fact_till
fact_till data model has information that was recorded about a till from the moment it was opened to the moment it was closed.
Revel Data Connector users using this data model can answer questions like:
• How does the amount present in tills compare to previous time periods?
• What is the breakdown of till activity by POS station?
• What are the trends in till opening and closing times?
• What is the variance between the expected amount and the actual amount present in the tills?
• What is the average amount of cash transactions made using the tills?
Data Objects
Column name | Data type | Mode | Description | Example |
till_key | varchar | Required | Unique identifier of till | 4ea0e37d9dfb1d99d96c0b22af84a53a |
establishment_id | int | Required | Identifier of the establishment associated with the till | 1 |
pos_station_key | varchar | Required | Unique id of pos station this till is related to | f1a5c49e2b1fc3d9e7d0a8d7659e98b7 |
drawer_number | int | Required | Drawer number of the till | 1 |
created_at | timestamp | Required | Date and time when the record was inserted into DB in UTC | 2024-05-14 08:30:00 |
updated_at | timestamp | Required | Date and time when the record was last updated in UTC | 2024-05-14 10:45:00 |
version_date | timestamp | Required | Date and time when the till object was created in UTC | 2024-05-14 08:31:00 |
opened_date | timestamp | Required | Date and time when the till was opened | 2024-05-14 08:31:00 |
closed_date | timestamp | Nullable | Date and time when the till was closed. NULL means that till is not yet closed. | 2024-05-14 18:00:00 |
held_date | timestamp | Nullable | Date and time when the till was held. NULL means that till was not put on hold. | 2024-05-14 12:00:00 |
held_by_employee_key | varchar | Required | Identifier of the employee who held the till. If held date is NULL this key points to the default employee record. | f1a5c49e2b1fc3d9e7d0a8d7659e98b7 |
closed_by_employee_key | varchar | Required | Identifier of the employee who closed the till. If closed date is NULL the key points to the default employee record. | f1a5c49e2b1fc3d9e7d0a8d7659e98b7 |
employee_key | varchar | Required | Identifier of the employee associated with the till | f1a5c49e2b1fc3d9e7d0a8d7659e98b7 |
till_owner_employee_key | varchar | Required | • Key of the default employee record if it's a regular till • Key of the employee who owns the till if it's virtual till | f1a5c49e2b1fc3d9e7d0a8d7659e98b7 |
till_manager_employee_key | varchar | Required | Identifier of the manager responsible for the till | f1a5c49e2b1fc3d9e7d0a8d7659e98b7 |
amount_till_set | numeric | Required | Amount initially set in the till | 1000.00 |
amount_present | numeric | Nullable | Amount currently present in the till | 1050.25 |
amount_should_be | numeric | Nullable | Expected amount that should be in the till | 1000.00 |
amount_in_safe | numeric | Nullable | Amount of cash present in the safe associated with the till | 950.00 |
amount_in_safe_drop | numeric | Nullable | Amount of cash dropped into the safe associated with the till | 100.00 |
variance | numeric | Nullable | Variance between the expected amount and the actual amount present in the till | 50.25 |
cash_transactions | numeric | Nullable | Total amount of cash transactions made using the till | 1500.00 |
cash_refunds | numeric | Nullable | Total amount of cash refunds processed using the till | 100.00 |
Updated 9 months ago