Menu Changed webhook triggers

This list contains the settings and fields which trigger the menu changed webhook. In order to trigger the webhook, the user is required to make a change to one of these and click on "push changes" on their Management console. Settings that don't trigger the webhook are not listed here.

Custom menu

  • Timetables
  • Name
  • Active
  • Mode/Station
  • 3rd Party Price Upcharge (%)
  • Price tiers

Product categories/Subcategories

  • Sort
  • Name
  • Image
  • Description
  • Color code
  • Third party ID


  • Basic product details
    • Active
    • Name
    • Price
    • Cost
    • Barcode
    • SKU
    • Description
    • Product class
    • Price embedded
    • Allow price override
    • Eligible for Discounts
    • Alternate lookup
  • Pricing options
    • Max price
    • Minimum price
    • Maximum price
    • Sold by weight
      • Tare
    • Variable pricing
      • Variable pricing by*
    • Default Product Upcharge Amount
    • Split combo
      • Active/Inactive
    • Group combo
      • Active/Inactive
    • Linked combo
      • Linked combo set added to product(doesn’t trigger when removed)
      • Prompt for upsell
      • Column width
  • Tax options
    • Flat Rate Tax Units*
    • Tax class*
    • Is cold
  • Display/Print options
    • Main Category*
    • Image
    • Color code
    • Disable modifier popup
    • Printers
    • Kitchen print name
    • Kitchen description
    • Print tags
    • Shelf Edge Label Quantity*
  • Advanced Product details
    • Matrix options
      • Attribute type*
      • Attribute 1
      • Attribute 1 name
      • Attribute 2
      • Attribute 2 name
    • Shipping options
      • Product weight
      • Product weight unit
    • Table/QuickService Options
      • Course number
      • Prep/Cook time
      • Is Drink
      • Dining options
    • Reward Options
      • Point value
      • Eligible for purchase rewards
      • Purchase reward multiplier*
    • Retail options
      • Size chart
      • Prompt for quantity
      • Not returnable
      • MSRP
      • Prevent sales
      • Seasonal item
    • Grocery options
      • Product brand
      • Unit size
      • Retail
      • EBT No
      • Dept
    • Service options
      • Is service
      • Service duration
    • Third Party Preferences
      • Third party id
      • Display on online and 3rd party applications
    • Customer age verification
      • Customer age
      • Message upon adding
  • Inventory
    • UOM
    • Require serial number
    • Do not allow sale of this product without stock on hand
    • Default inventory
    • Track in inventory
    • Bin value
    • Manufacturer
  • Recipe
    • Prep recipe
    • Recipe yield


  • Modifier details
    • Name
    • Price
    • Cost
    • Kitchen print name
    • Kitchen description
    • Third party name
    • Do not print
    • Class
    • Barcode
    • Sku
    • Active
    • Is quick
    • Is hot
    • Display on online and 3rd party applications
    • Display in Kiosk
    • Description
    • Image
    • Color code
  • Recipe
    • Prep recipe
    • Recipe yield