Data model: wide_labor


For Revel Data Connector users that want to look deeper into labor data, wide_labor data model should be a go to source. Labor is considered one of the biggest types of expenses at a restaurant and considering the labor shortage problems - this data model helps to find ways for optimisations. It allows users to see more information about their staff. This data can be used for future planning and other types of labor optimisation.

Revel Data Connector users using this data model can answer questions like:

  • How much time do employees spend at work by name and/or role in a specific establishment? What are the trends and how does it compare to other locations?
  • What are the overtime and doubletime values for employees?
  • What is the length and types of breaks employees take?
  • What is the wage for a specific role and/or employee?
  • When do people check-in/check-out?
  • etc.

Data Objects

Column nameData typeModeDescriptionExample
labor_idintRequiredUnique identifier for a timesheet entry701
labor_created_attimestampRequiredTimesheet creation date and time in UTC format2021-03-08 19:24:57
labor_updated_attimestampRequiredTimesheet creation date and time in UTC format2021-03-08 19:44:27
clock_intimestampRequiredEmployee clockin time in the timesheet.2021-03-08 19:24:56
clock_outtimestampRequiredEmployee clock_out time in the timesheet.2021-03-08 19:44:27
department_namevarcharRequiredEmployee departmentDriver
role_namevarcharRequiredEmployee roleDispatcher
role_wagenumericRequiredWage for the role12.75
remarksvarcharNullableTimesheet remarksStarted later, because of traffic jams.
break_typevarchar'N/A'The type of break associated to the timesheet entry. Possible values:
  • Auto Break
  • Paid Break
  • Unpaid Break
  • N/A
Auto Break
break_length_in_secfloat8RequiredThe length of break taken by the employee in seconds.600
The stage of the timesheet. Possible values:
  • Created
  • Emailed
  • Approved
  • Rejected
  • Unknown
is_auto_clock_outboolNullableSpecifies if automatic clock-out for employees who are still clocked-in at specific time is enabled.FALSE
exempt_salariedboolNullableSpecifies if employee belongs to exempt employee category as per Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).FALSE
clock_time_diff_in_secfloat8RequiredTime difference between clock_in and clock_out in seconds.4074.0
schedule_rule_idint4RequiredSchedule rule unique Key.34
establishment_idint4RequiredEstablishment unique Key.1
timezonevarcharRequiredThe configured timezone of the establishmentUS/Eastern
establishment_divisionvarchar'N/A'Establishment division. If establishment does not belong to a division, then value is N/A.Division - 1
establishment_sub_divisionvarchar'N/A'Establishment sub-division. If establishment does not belong to a sub-division, then value is N/A.Sub-division - 1
regular_valuefloat8RequiredNumber of hours, including paid breaks, an employee must work per day before switching to overtime rate.8.0
overtime_valuefloat8RequiredNumber of overtime hours, including paid breaks, an employee must work per day before switching to doubletime rate.4.0
doubletime_valuefloat8RequiredMaximum number of doubtime hours.4.0
overtime_ratefloat8RequiredOvertime rate for the timesheet entry.1.5
double_ratefloat8RequiredDouble rate for the timesheet entry.2.0
regular_week_hoursfloat8RequiredNumber of hours, including paid breaks, that an employee must work per week before switching to a higher pay rate.40.0
start_dayint4RequiredFirst day of a workweek, from 0 (Monday) to 6 (Sunday).4
day_start_timevarcharRequiredTime of day that a workday begins.03:00:00
is_manual_paid_breakboolRequiredSpecifies if employees may declare when they are going on a paid break manually, e.g. TRUE or FALSE.FALSE
auto_work_time_for_paid_breakvarcharNullableThe amount of time an employee must work to earn a paid break.07:30:00
auto_paid_break_durationvarcharNullableThe length of paid break that the employee earns after having worked enough time to qualify for a paid break.00:20:00
is_seventh_day_rule_enabledboolRequiredSpecifies if 7th Day Consecutive Overtime rule is enabled, e.g. TRUE or FALSE.FALSE
created_by_employee_first_namevarchar'N/A'First name of employee who created the timesheet.John
created_by_employee_last_namevarchar'N/A'Last name of employee who created the timesheetDoe
created_by_employee_is_activeboolNullableIdentification of whether employee is active.TRUE
last_updated_by_employee_first_namevarchar'N/A'First name of last employee who updated the timesheetJohn
last_updated_by_employee_last_namevarchar'N/A'Last name of last employee who created the timesheet.Doe
last_updated_by_employee_is_activeboolNullableIdentification of whether employee is activeTRUE
employee_first_namevarchar'N/A'First name of the clocked in employee.John
employee_last_namevarchar'N/A'Last name of the clocked in employee.Doe
employee_is_activeboolNullableIdentification of whether employee is activeTRUE