Data model: wide_payment


wide_payment data model is as important as wide_order. It allows Revel Data Connector users to see how customers pay for orders, how those habits change over time and other information specific to payments.

Revel Data Connector users using this data model can answer questions like:

  • What is the preferred payment method of customers and how has it changed over time?
  • How many orders are being paid for using multiple payments or different payment methods?
  • What is the percentage of returning customers based on payment information?
  • Which establishments have the most of returning/new customers?
  • etc.

Data Objects

ResourceData typeModeDescriptionExample
payment_idint4RequiredUnique ID for a payment5
cc_customer_identifiervarchar‘N\A’Unique identifier of a customer. This identifier is made by hashing a combination of customer’s credit card first name, last name and last 4 digits.f9627bb25f2f9e87beb92357594ed927
payment_type_namevarchar‘N\A’The way payment was madeCash
card_type_namevarchar‘N\A’Type of card used in making paymentMastercard
payment_amountnumericRequiredAmount paid by customer, monetary value75.200000
tip_amountnumericRequiredAmount paid as tip, monetary value.5.000000
transaction_statusvarchar‘N\A’Status of the payment. E.g Pending, Accepted, Declined, Captured or Unidentified.Pending
is_refundboolRequiredIdentification if payment is a refund.False
payment_source_typevarcharRequiredWhere payment came from. Could be Regular or House account.Regular
payment_created_attimestampRequired2018-11-08 16:37:41
payment_updated_attimestampRequiredPayment last update date and time in UTC format.2018-11-08 16:45:36
order_idint4RequiredUnique ID for an order3
Source channel of the order or pos mode if applicable:
  • Web Order
  • Smart Order
  • Table service
  • Quick service
  • Retail
  • Kiosk
  • Pizza
  • Grocery
  • Donation
  • Gas station
Web Order
Identification of order option, e.g. To-Go, Eat-In, Delivery or etc.
  • If it is a custom order option, then value reflects the custom created name.
  • If it is not recognised it is Unknown.
To Go
order_statusvarcharRequiredStatus of the order.Closed
is_order_paidboolRequiredIdentification if order is paidTRUE
pos_station_namevarcharRequiredPOS station name.POS1
revenue_center_namevarchar'N/A'Name of a revenue center a POS station is linked to.Bar Area
establishment_idint4RequiredEstablishment unique Key1
establishment_namevarcharRequiredEstablishment NameCompany-1
establishment_cityvarcharRequiredEstablishment CityAtlanta
establishment_statevarchar'N\A'Establishment StateGA
establishment_countryvarcharRequiredEstablishment CountryUS
company_namevarcharRequiredCompany nameCompany
company_urlvarcharRequiredCompany url
establishment_latitudefloatNullableEstablishment Latitude34.6843294
establishment_longitudefloatNullableEstablishment Longitude-86.4109566
establishment_post_codevarcharRequiredEstablishment Post Code30314
is_establishment_activeboolRequiredIdentification if establishment is active, e.g. TRUE or FALSE.TRUE
establishment_group_name_listvarcharRequiredList of establishment’s group names|Group1|Group2|Group3|
timezonevarcharRequiredThe configured timezone of the establishmentUS\Eastern
establishment_divisionvarchar'N/A'Establishment division. If establishment does not belong to a division, then value is N/A.Division - 1
establishment_sub_divisionvarchar'N/A'Establishment sub-division. If establishment does not belong to a sub-division, then value is N/A.Sub-division - 1