Data model: wide_order_item_modifier


wide_order_item_modifier data model allows Revel Data Connector users to analyse the impact of item modifiers on their business and specific item performance. It adds more visibility to what customers like and what modifiers are often used.

Revel Data Connector users using this data model can answer questions like:

  • What kind of modifiers do customers regularly select?
  • Which employee uses modifiers the most?
  • What modifier is the most profitable?
  • What modifiers are most popular per geographical location?
  • What are the trends for specific modifiers compared to the previous time period?
  • What items should be provided with a modifier by default?
  • Table service: what are the sales or revenue of each table in the restaurant?
  • etc.

Data Objects

ResourceData typeModeDescriptionExample
order_idint4RequiredUnique ID for an Order5
order_created_attimestampRequiredOrder creation date and time in UTC format.2018-11-08 16:37:41
order_updated_attimestampRequiredOrder last update date and time in UTC format.2018-11-08 16:45:36
created_by_employee_first_namevarchar'N/A'First name of employee who created an order. If order wasn’t created by employee, then value is N/AJohn
created_by_employee_last_namevarchar'N/A'Last name of employee who created an order. If order wasn’t created by employee, then value is N/ADoe
created_by_employee_is_activeboolNullableIdentification of whether employee is active. If order wasn’t created by employee, then value is NULLTRUE
last_updated_by_employee_first_namevarchar'N/A'First name of last employee who updated an order. If order wasn’t updated by employee, then value is N/AJohn
last_updated_by_employee_last_namevarchar'N/A'Last name of last employee who created an order. If order wasn’t created by employee, then value is N/ADoe
last_updated_by_employee_is_activeboolNullableIdentification of whether employee is active. If order wasn’t updated by employee, then value is NULLTRUE
order_sourcevarcharRequired/‘Unknown’Source channel of the order or pos mode if applicable:
  • Web Order
  • Smart Order
  • Table service
  • Quick service
  • Retail
  • Kiosk
  • Pizza
  • Grocery
  • Donation
  • Gas station
Web Order
order_optionvarcharRequired/‘Unknown’Identification of order option, e.g. To-Go, Eat-In, Delivery etc.
  • If it is a custom order option, then value reflects the custom created name.
  • If it is not recognised it is Unknown.
To Go
order_statusvarcharRequiredStatus of the orderClosed
is_order_paidboolRequiredIdentification if order is paid.TRUE
order_item_idint4RequiredUnique ID for an order item3
mod_typevarcharRequired/'Unknown'Type of the modifierSide
unit_pricenumericRequiredUnit price of the modifier in the order item.7.000000
unit_costnumericRequiredUnit cost of the modifier in the order item.4.000000
quantityint4RequiredNumber of ordered modifier(s)1
is_valid_recordboolRequiredIdentifies, if a record is valid and should be trusted or not.TRUE
modifier_idint4NullableUnique ID for a modifier455
modifier_skuvarchar‘N/A’The SKU of a product. At least 4 characters and Unique.AB123
modifier_namevarchar‘N/A’Name of the modifier.Cheese
is_modifier_activeboolNullableIdentification if modifer is active, e.g. TRUE or FALSE.TRUE
product_idint4NullableUnique ID of the product.102
product_skuvarchar‘N/A’Unique SKU of the product. At least 4 characters.AB123
product_namevarchar‘N/A’Name of the product
  • Always reflects the newest name
  • If product_id is NULL then manually entered product name will be shown.
Beef Sandwich
is_product_activeboolNullableIdentification if product is active, e.g. TRUE or FALSETRUE
is_product_activeboolNullableIdentification if product’s category is active, e.g. TRUE or FALSE.TRUE
category_namevarchar‘N/A’Product category.Salad
is_category_activeboolNullableIdentification if product’s category is active, e.g. TRUE or FALSE.TRUE
sub_category_namevarchar‘N/A’Product sub-category.Hot Salad
is_sub_category_activeboolNullableIdentification if product’s sub-category is active, e.g. TRUE or FALSE.TRUE
product_class_namevarchar‘N/A’Product class name.Drinks
is_product_class_activeboolNullableIdentification if product’s class is active, e.g. TRUE or FALSETRUE
product_group_name_listvarchar‘N/A’List of product’s group names.|Product Group A|
establishment_idint4RequiredEstablishment unique Key.1
establishment_namevarcharRequiredEstablishment Name.Company-1
company_namevarcharRequiredCompany name.Company
company_urlvarcharRequiredCompany url
establishment_countryvarcharRequiredEstablishment CountryUS
establishment_statevarchar'N/A'Establishment StateGA
establishment_cityvarcharRequiredEstablishment CityAtlanta
establishment_latitudefloatNullableEstablishment Latitude34.6843294
establishment_longitudefloatNullableEstablishment Longitude.-86.4109566
establishment_post_codevarcharRequiredEstablishment Post Code30314
is_establishment_activeboolRequiredIdentification if establishment is active, e.g. TRUE or FALSETRUE
establishment_group_name_listvarcharRequiredList of establishment’s group names.|Group1|Group2|Group3|
timezonevarcharRequiredThe configured timezone of the establishmentUS/Eastern
establishment_divisionvarchar'N/A'Establishment division. If establishment does not belong to a division, then value is N/A.Division - 1
establishment_sub_divisionvarchar'N/A'Establishment sub-division. If establishment does not belong to a sub-division, then value is N/A.Sub-division - 1
pos_station_namevarcharRequiredPOS station name.POS1
revenue_center_namevarchar'N/A'Name of a revenue center a POS station is linked to.Bar Area
table_namevarchar'N/A'Table name.Table 1
section_namevarchar'N/A'Name of the section a table is in.Section 1
capacityvarcharNullableNumber of people a table can accomodate.4