Data model: wide_tax


The wide_tax data model provides information essential for analyzing taxes applied to orders. It includes details on tax types, amounts, and percentages, helping users understand the financial impact of various taxes on their business.

Revel Data Connector users utilizing this data model can answer questions such as:

  • What are the trends in tax amounts over a selected time period?
  • How do different tax types (e.g. sales, service fee, surcharge) compare?
  • What is the distribution of tax amounts by tax name?
  • How does tax application vary by order source or location?
  • etc.

Data Objects

Column nameData typeModeDescriptionExample
tax_idint4RequiredUnique identifier for tax on an order.32
order_idint4RequiredUnique identifier for an order.123
establishment_idint4RequiredUnique identifier for an establishment.1
tax_namevarcharRequiredName of the tax assigned to an order.Prevailing Tax
tax_namevarcharRequiredType of tax:

- Sales
- Service Fee
- Surcharge
- Pass Through Service Fee
- Exchange Sales
- Exchange Service Fee
- Exchange Surcharge
- Exchange Pass Through Service Fee
tax_base_typevarcharRequiredTax identifier:

- Percentage
- Flat
tax_amountnumericRequiredTax amount applied for this tax and order, monetary value.1.35
tax_percentnumericNullableTax percentage for 'Percentage' tax_base_type type0.06625
flat_tax_unit_valuenumericNullableMonetary value for a single flat tax unit for 'Flat' tax_base_type type0.45
flat_tax_unitsint4NullableQuantity of flat tax units added to an order.5
order_created_attimestampRequiredOrder creation date and time in UTC format.2019-10-15 7:13:31
order_updated_attimestampRequiredOrder last update date and time in UTC format.2019-10-15 7:20:32
is_order_paidboolRequiredIdentification if order is paid.TRUE

Source channel of the order or pos mode if applicable:

- Web Order
- Smart Order
- Table service
- Quick service
- Retail
- Kiosk
- Pizza
- Grocery
- Donation
- Gas station
Web Order

Identification of order option, e.g. To-Go, Eat-In, Delivery or etc.

If it is a custom order option, then value reflects the custom created name.

If it is not recognised it is Unknown.
To Go
order_statusvarcharRequiredLast order status, e.g. open or closed.Open
is_receiptless_returnboolRequiredIdentification if order is receiptless return. Such orders are created, when there is a need to return money to the customer.TRUE
pos_station_idint4RequiredPOS station id12
pos_station_namevarcharRequiredPOS station name.POS1
is_pos_station_activevarcharRequiredIndicates if POS station is active.TRUE
revenue_center_namevarcharN/AName of a revenue center a POS station is linked to.Bar Area
is_revenue_center_activevarcharNullableIndicates if revenue center is active.TRUE
table_idint4NullableTable id.5
table_namevarcharN/ATable name.Table 1
section_namevarcharN/AName of the section a table is in.Section 1
capacityint4NullableNumber of people a table can accommodate.4
is_table_activeboolNullableIndicates if table is active.TRUE
is_section_activeboolNullableIndicates if section is active.TRUE
establishment_namevarcharRequiredEstablishment Name.Company - 1
establishment_cityvarcharRequiredEstablishment City.San Francisco
establishment_statevarcharN/AEstablishment State.CA
establishment_countryvarcharRequiredEstablishment Country.US
company_namevarcharRequiredCompany name.Company
company_urlvarcharRequiredCompany url
establishment_latitudefloatNullableEstablishment Latitude.37.7979623
establishment_longitudefloatNullableEstablishment Longitude.-152.00742
establishment_post_codevarcharRequiredEstablishment Post Code.94100
is_establishment_activeboolRequiredIndicates if establishment is active.TRUE
timezonevarcharRequiredThe configured timezone of the establishmentUS/Eastern
establishment_divisionvarcharN/AEstablishment division. If establishment does not belong to a division, then value is N/A.Division - 1
establishment_sub_divisionvarcharN/AEstablishment sub-division. If establishment does not belong to a sub-division, then value is N/A.Sub-division - 1
created_by_employee_external_idvarcharN/AExternal id of employee who created an order. If order wasn’t created by employee, then value is N/A6
created_by_employee_first_namevarcharN/AFirst name of employee who created an order. If order wasn’t created by employee, then value is N/AJohn
created_by_employee_last_namevarcharN/ALast name of employee who created an order. If order wasn’t created by employee, then value is N/ADoe
created_by_employee_is_activeboolNullableIdentification of whether employee is active. If order wasn’t created by employee, then value is NULLTRUE
last_updated_by_employee_external_idvarcharN/AExternal id of last employee who updated an order. If order wasn’t created by employee, then value is N/A5
last_updated_by_employee_first_namevarcharN/AFirst name of last employee who updated an order. If order wasn’t updated by employee, then value is N/AJohn
last_updated_by_employee_last_namevarcharN/ALast name of last employee who created an order. If order wasn’t created by employee, then value is N/ADoe
last_updated_by_employee_is_activeboolNullableIdentification of whether employee is active. If order wasn’t updated by employee, then value is NULLTRUE
establishment_group_name_listvarcharRequiredEstablishment group name list.|group1|group67|Group34|